The Infinite Way

Chapter - The New Jerusalem

"The former things have passed away," and "all things are become new . . . . Whereas I was blind, now I see," and not "through a glass, darkly," but "face to face." Yes, even in my flesh, I have seen God. The hills have rolled away, and there is no more horizon, but the light of heaven makes all things plain.

Long have I sought thee, O Jerusalem, but only now have my pilgrim feet touched the soil of heaven. The waste places are no more. Fertile lands are before me, the like of which I have never dreamed. Oh truly "There shall be no night there." The glory of it shines as the noon day sun, and there is no need of light for God is the light thereof.

I sit down to rest. In the shade of trees, I rest and find my peace in Thee. Within Thy grace is peace, O Lord. In the world I was weary--in Thee I have found rest.

In the dense forest of words I was lost; in the letter of truth was tiredness and fear, but in Thy Spirit only are shade and water and rest.

How far I have wandered from Thy Spirit, O Tender One and True, how far, how far! How deeply lost in the maze of words, words, words! But now I am returned, and in Thy Spirit shall I ever find my life, my peace, my strength. Thy Spirit is the bread of life, finding which I shall never hunger. Thy Spirit is a wellspring of water, and drinking it I shall never thirst.

As a weary wanderer I have sought Thee, and now my weariness is gone. Thy Spirit has formed a tent for me, and in its cool shade I linger and peace fills my soul. Thy presence has filled me with peace. Thy love has placed before me a feast of Spirit. Yea, Thy Spirit is my resting place, an oasis in the desert of the letter of truth.

In Thee will I hide from the noise of the world of argument; in Thy consciousness find surcease from the noisomeness of men's tongues. They divide Thy garment, O Lord of Peace, they quarrel over Thy word--yea, until it becomes words and no longer the Word.

As a beggar have I sought the new heaven and the new earth, and Thou hast made me heir of all.

How shall I stand before Thee but in silence? How shall I honor Thee but in the meditation of mine heart?

Praise and thanksgiving Thou seekest not, but the understanding heart Thou receivest.

I will keep silent before Thee. My Soul and my Spirit and my silence shall be Thy dwelling place. Thy Spirit shall fill my meditation, and it shall make me and preserve me whole. O Thou Tender One and True--I am home in Thee.

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