Where I Am Going

I am going out to buy some office supplies. I am going to the post office. I am going to the bank. Yes, but where am I going? I am going in the Presence of I. That is where I am ever going. That is where I am only going. The events are there but they are not very important when I am aware of where I am really going. This is no longer a personal adventure to buy supplies, or even to meet the clerks at the store. No, this is something much more permanent than that. This is my presence going before me to do all things. This is a place of being that is moving and living and having its being in the awareness of the Infinite nature of I. There are no limitations. There is never a lack of money to purchase what I need. There is never a closed store preventing me from having that which I need. There are no obstacles external to me that can stand between me and my path. That is where I am going. Right now I am here and I am living it. And do you know what? You are here, too. So let us close our senses to the illusion and open our Selves to the Truth.

Let the silence be your refuge.
Let the darkness be your home.

There are no fears or limitations
in this place where on we go.

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