god is breathing me

god is breathing me

the air surrounding me
is integrally in me
is integrally me

and the entire system is god
breathing infinitely

not the human sense of breath
but a god filled oxygen
which lives my life

something incredible and vast

yes, closer to me than breathing
but encompassing the life breath
and beyond

a meticulous presence

an unlimited nature of now

i cannot see it
i cannot try to predict its functioning
but as i rest back in it
i am assured of its wholeness
going before me to make the crooked places straight.

it appears outwardly as my good and my protection
it has always been in operation
but now as i come into the realization
it appears to me saying,
"blessed are the meek" "blessed are the humble" "blessed are the peacemakers"

even unto the ends of the world

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