Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 8/24/03

"The Infinite Way form of treatment is not to cure anything, nor act upon thought as a suggestion of health until thought responds and says, 'I am well'. Our form of treatment is more a rehearsal of the truth of being, a translation of the material or mental belief into the realization of spiritual truth. The words we speak or the thoughts we think do not constitute the healing power, but they are the step that will lift us up into the consciousness which does the healing work.

"From the moment we awaken in the morning until rest comes at night,, we are meeting with suggestions from the world of sin, disease, lack, limitation, and finally death. There does not seem to be an hour during the day which is not filled with suggestions coming from the radio or the newspapers. Even if we do not read the newspapers or listen to the radio, these suggestions are in the air, finding lodgment in our thought: They seem to come to us faster than we can reject or refute them. Therefore, at the beginning of our ministry, at the beginning of our practice of this spiritual life, it is necessary that we make a conscious effort to refute these arguments or suggestions, not, however, in the sense of denial, or saying that they do not exist, or of repeating over and over that they are not real. Let us refute them in the light of pondering spiritual truth."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "God, the Substance of All Form"
Chapter 5 - Treatment as the Consciousness of Truth

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