Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 11/2/03

"If we dwell -- live, move, and have our being -- in the secret place of the most High, none of the evils of the world will come nigh our dwelling place. They will not happen to us if we are living in obedience to the principle of keeping consciousness filled with truth, if we are refusing to accept world-beliefs as power and are realizing that the only power operating within us is the power of truth. Whether or not we consciously know a specific truth is not the point. The point is whether or not we know that the truth operating in our consciousness is power and that nothing else is.

"Among many truth-students, there is too much superstition, far too much blind faith that there is some kind of a God who does something for metaphysical students that He does not do for other people. That is a fatal belief. God is God, and God is no respecter of persons. God is available to white or black, Jew or Christian, Mohammedan or Hindu. God is available to anyone on the face of the globe, to anyone who makes himself consciously one with Him. It has nothing to do with God. The question is whether an individual believes that he is living as a human being in a world where hypnotism -- a kind of subliminal perception -- has been going on for generations, going on unknown to us as individuals, yet operative in our consciousness or in what the psychologists now call the subconscious; or whether he recognizes that his mind is not subject to the suggestions and vagaries of world-beliefs, but is a transparency through which God functions."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "Infinite Way Letters 1958"
Chapter 10 - Break the Fetters That Bind You

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