Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 3/7/04

"In the spiritual kingdom, there is no future tense. Just remember that one statement: In the spiritual kingdom, in the kingdom of God, in the kingdom of peace, joy, power, and dominion, there is no future tense. There is no such thing as time: There is only an eternal now, and in that eternal now, I am. To human sense, this may be a deathbed, or being lost in the desert, or being adrift on the ocean, or suffocating in a burning building. That is what the appearance may testify to, but the answer to it is I -- I am. There is no future tense: You cannot be saved in the future, just as you cannot be saved in the past."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "The Art of Spiritual Healing"
Chapter 10 - Spiritual Unfoldment -- Not Human Birth or Death

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