Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 1/23/05

"If we are harboring within us personal animosity, or if we are indulging in national or religious hatred, prejudice, or bigotry, our prayers are worthless. We must go to God with clean hands in order to pray, and to approach God with clean hands, we must relinquish our animosities. Within ourselves, we must first of all pray the prayer of forgiveness for those who have offended us, since they know not what they do; and secondly, acknowledge within ourselves: 'I stand in relationship to God as a son, and therefore, I stand in relationship to every man as a brother.' When we have established that state of purity within ourselves, then we can ask the Father:

"Give me grace; give me understanding; give me peace; give me this day my daily bread--give me this day spiritual bread, spiritual understanding. Give me forgiveness, even for those harmless trespasses which I have unwittingly committed."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "Practicing the Presence"
Chapter 5 - Love Thy Neighbor

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